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How to prepare Florida Financial Affidavit Long Form

Look at the 2015-2024 FL 12.902(c)
Get ready your papers on the internet utilizing a printable template of the document. You don't need to download any files to fill out and deliver the document.
Fill in the template online
Fill inl the file in a practical online editor, supplying exact info inside the fillable areas. Include your eSignature towards the specific field.
Send the file
You may print out a paper copy of the completed template or submit the document digitally through Text message and e-mail, or fax in only some mouse clicks.

About 2015-2024 FL 12.902(c)

Florida Form 12.902(c) is a specific legal form utilized in family law cases within the state of Florida. This form is part of the official court documents and is intended for submitting a Family Law Financial Affidavit. A Family Law Financial Affidavit is required in various family law matters, including divorce, child support, alimony, time-sharing, and equitable distribution of assets. It is used to disclose the financial status of the parties involved in the case, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. The purpose of Form 12.902(c) is to provide a standardized template that individuals can use to complete the Financial Affidavit accurately and comprehensively. The form typically includes various sections where each party must fill in their financial information, including employment details, income, real estate, vehicles, debts, and monthly expenses. Both parties to a family law case usually need to complete and file individual Financial Affidavits as part of the court proceedings. These affidavits help the court understand the financial situation of each party and make informed decisions regarding issues like child support, alimony, and division of assets. It is important to note that legal requirements and terminology can change over time, so it is advisable to consult the most up-to-date version of the form and seek guidance from an attorney or legal professional familiar with Florida family law when using Form 12.902(c) or any other legal document.

How to complete a Florida Financial Affidavit Long Form

  1. If you are paid by the hour, daily, weekly, biweekly or semimonthly, follow the provided instructions to convert your income to a monthly amount
  2. Make sure to accurately report your income, expenses, and any child support payments according to the form
  3. Once completed, file the original form with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where your case was filed and serve a copy to the other party involved within 45 days
  4. For more information, refer to the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure Form 902c and seek guidance from the General Information for SelfRepresented Litigants document

People also ask about Florida Financial Affidavit Long Form

When should this form be used?
This form should be used when you are involved in a family law case which requires a financial affidavit and your individual gross income is $50,000 or more per year.
What should I do next?
A copy of this form must be served on the other party in your case within 45 days of being served with the petition.
Where can I look for more information?
Before proceeding, you should read General Information for Self-Represented Litigants found at the beginning of these forms.

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Used to edit PDF documents and insert signature.

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When other systems allow you only to save the 2015 - 2019 FL 12.902(c) for further printing, filling, and scanning, we offer you a complete and easy-to-use solution for preparing it online. Firstly, when you select Get Form, you get multiple abilities for advanced document preparing and signing. After that, you have the ability to select your preferred way to submit it without switching the service: save a file in Portable Document Format, send it by email, fax, or even via USPS.